Communication and Kindness: An approach to the college applciation process

I am really loving Brennan Barnard’s article in Forbes: A New Year In College Admission. He goes through each population involved in the college application process with the lens of Communication and Kindness.

Barnard covers students, parents, high schools, and colleges and how each can communicate and be kind. My favoirte was for parents and how communication about finances and be honest your personal bias impact how you talk about college in general as well as specific colleges.

For kindess he says, ” We must listen to what they are saying and allow them to stand on their own two feet before they have launched off to college. By modeling kindness and dedication to others, we can show our children that it is who they are and what they do that matters, rather than acceptance to any given college.”

What the best fit is for you as a family financially is key. What the best fit is for your student is essential.